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日期:06-03-23 15:42:44 编辑:亚洲纺织联盟网
一、干洗 Dry Cleaning 一般干洗 dryclean 专业干洗 Professionally Dryclean 商业干洗 Commercially Dryclean 以干洗为最佳 Drycleanning Recommened 短干洗周期 Short Cycle 干洗剂抽脱时间最短 Minimum Extraction 低水分 Reduced or Low Moisture 干洗过程中不可加水分 No water In System 不可用蒸汽 No Steam 二、水洗 Washing 可机洗 Machine Washable 不可水洗 Do not Wash 不可商业洗涤 Do not have Commercially Launder 可用家庭式洗涤 Home Launder 手洗 Hand Wash 手洗不可搓压 Hand Wash do not Rub 冷水洗 Cold Wash 温水洗 Warm Wash 热水洗 Hot Wash 不可水煮 Do not Boil 少洗衣量 Small Load 温和洗衣程序 Delicate/Gentle Cycle 持久压力程序 Durable Press Cycle /Permanent 分开洗涤 Wash Separately 可与类似色衣物同时洗涤 With Like Color 与深色衣物分开洗涤 Wash Dark Color Separetely 翻出底面洗涤 Wash Inside Out 不可拧干 No Wring/ Do not Wring 不可拧绞 No Twist/ Do not Twist 温水清洗 Warm Rinse 冷水清洗 Cold Rinse 彻底清洗 Rinse Thoroughly 不可脱水 No Spin/ Do not Spin 普通旋转速度脱水 Normal Spin 较短较慢程序脱水 Reduced Spin 不可浸泡 Do not Soak 只可用皂片 Use Pure Soap Flake only 只可抹洗或擦洗 Damp Wipe only 三、漂白 Bleaching 需要时漂白 Bleaching when Needed 不可漂白 No bleach / Do not Bleach 只可用非氯性漂白剂 Only Non-Chlorine Bleach 四、干衣 Drying 滴干 Drip Dry 挂干 Line Dry 荫凉挂干 Line Dry in Shade 避热挂干 Line Dry away from Heat 用烘干机烘干 Tumble Dry 用烘干机中温烘干 Tumble Warm 用烘干机低温烘干 Tumble Cool 平铺晒干 Flat Dry 定位干衣 Block to Dry 用蒸汽烘干 Steam Dry 不用蒸汽 No Steam / Do not Steam 风柜吹干 Cabinet Dry Cool 五、熨烫 Ironing and Pressing 热烫 Hot Iron 温烫 Warm Iron 低温烫 Cold Iron 不可熨 Do not Iron 反面熨 Iron on Wrong Side 用蒸汽熨烫 Steam Press/Iron 在湿润时熨烫 Iron Damp 用布间隔熨烫 Use Press Cloth 外包装 bale 箱 carton 件 package 色号 colour number 花号 design number 批号 lot number 唛头 marks 装箱单 packing list 漏验 omisson of examination 漏验率 percentage of omisson of examination 复验 re-inspection 索赔 claim indemnity 毛重 gross weight 净重 net weight 外观质量 appearance quality 内在质量 inherent quality 外观疵点 appearance 技术要求 technical requirement 感观检验 subjective inspection 取样 samoling 品质检验单 inspection certificate for quality 检验证书 inspection certificate 织物重量 fabric weight 断裂强力 breaking strength 断裂强度 breaking tenacity 缝纫强力 seam strength 染色牢度 colour fasteness 耐日晒色牢度 colour fasteness to sunlight 耐磨擦色牢度 colour fasteness to rubbing 汁渍色牢度 colour fasteness to perspiration 耐熨烫色牢度 colour fasteness to ironing 耐干洗色牢度 colour fasteness to dry cleaning 灰色样卡 grey scale 沾色样卡 grey scale for staining 纤维含量 fibre content 释放甲醛含量 releasable for maldehyde content 防蛀性 insect resistance 防污性 soil resistance 防雨性 rain proofness 织物厚度 fabric thickness 透气性 air permeability 色差 chromatic difference

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